The Three Pillars of Health.


What prompted this article is the steadily decreasing quality of our primary produce, our increasing reliance on processed food and the bewildering myriad of diseases to which the human race succumbs. Surely they are intertwined.  This is NOT about the endless cycle of get sick, get cured, get sick, get cured to which civilisation has become accustomed, it is about never getting sick in the first place - no coughs, colds, flu, nor anything worse - ever.

There are only three things one needs do to ensure good health and a perfectly functioning body in its natural state over much longer than these day's average lifespan - and without medication. These three pillars of health are interrelated and each one contributes to the success of the other two. All three must be carried out, two out of three just won't work and of course nor does one. They will no doubt be controversial but they are a necessary reaction to the current world circumstances of our own misguided making, 50 or 100 years ago they would still hold true but would have been less dramatic to implement. A bit like driving towards a brick wall, slowing in plenty of time makes stopping easy, waiting till the last moment can be horrendous.

1. We must clear out our waste and minimize any further build up.

2. We must go to extreme lengths to obtain food that is as pristine as possible as nature intended.

3. We must periodically subject EVERY ONE of our organs to exertion, including our brain.

That was the easy part, now to the how-to's and the why for's.

Starting with 1. Today's average diet, including those recommended by nutritionists and dieticians alike, pays no attention to the guidelines of food combining which is important for maximum nutritional assimilation, pays even less attention to the current climatic conditions which dictate what we should eat and is made up of produce whose available nutrition is outweighed by its waste content by a factor of at least 10 to 1. Waste accumulation within the body is the major, if not only, cause of all maladies to which humankind succumbs. To assume that drinking copious amounts of water and regular bowel movements are taking care of your waste removal is sheer fallacy, this barely gets rid of the overburden. This is about getting rid of the waste at the cellular level from every cell in your body. To rid oneself of one's accumulated waste and to keep in check one's unavoidable daily additions in these 'modern' times, one must fast on water only, for three or four consecutive days every month. I can find no other way, we live in an age when compared to yesteryear, not only is our air is polluted but it contains 10% oxygen at best, instead of earlier times 30%, our rain water is acidic with a pH of 5 even outside industrial areas, should be neutral pH 7 and our food, even if one doesn't eat the massive waste contributors - wheat, meat and dairy -  is severely nutritionally depleted. More on this subject

Number 2. Pristine food, high in nutritional substances and low in waste is not available through regular commercial channels – end of story. In fact 99% of people on the planet have never once sampled any. (See note 1) It makes no difference at all if what you are buying is certified organic which may keep poisons out of your food but it offers no guarantee of higher nutrition or lower waste, such produce is quite often nutritionally worse than conventional. Growing your own maybe the only solution but if that is not possible then what you are seeking is a grower who does not irrigate (see note 2) and who picks his fruit after it has ripened on the tree - extremely difficult to find.

Number 3. We are all familiar with exercising whether it be by jogging, working out in the gym and/or participating in vigorous sporting activities. All these are good for maintaining muscle tone and putting one's heart and lungs under duress which will ensure that they are ready and able to cope with any unexpected stress that comes along. Depending on exercising alone to ensure good health is doomed to disappoint. I'm sure we have all heard of fit people, even ex-marathon runners who continue with their running and inexplicably drop dead in their 40s or earlier. They probably didn't know about (1), certainly not (2) and figured that heart, lung and muscle fitness would carry the day.

Exercising is not about weight-loss, numbers 1 and 2 do that. As to the brain, 1 and 2 will keep the nerve pathways functioning properly but to put this organ under duress we must periodically learn something new, the more difficult the better – learn a language, learn about computers, learn agronomy, learn how your body works. Beware of the last one, finding the truth is extremely difficult because the internet is chock full of misinformation on this subject.

It seems that accumulated waste is the downfall of everything whether organic or otherwise. Applying the same principles to a motor car engine -
No 1 is most important otherwise the engine will wear out in a short space of time. Those of yesteryear did so rapidly and needed reconditioning (the mechanical equivalent of fasting!) - often more than once. These days the oil filters, air cleaners and fuel filters are more effective and engines made from better materials last much longer.

No 2 - Yesteryears fuels were crude compared to today's but today's still carry 'waste' and engine systems are now designed to contend with that.

No 3. One would think that if our cars were always driven sedately along smooth flat roads the engines would last forever. Not so, the moving self regulating parts inside become 'set in their ways' and when the need arises for more power the engine will be sluggish to respond. The occasional burst at full throttle and/or high revs keeps them full power enabled..

A friend of mine decided to make his own bio-diesel for his car. After a few years and 250,000 km without an oil change he removed his oil filter and took it apart. It was as clean as a new one. So (1) the engine didn't accumulate waste, (2) bio-diesel is the perfect  'food' for it and (3) it got a lot of work in a short space of time. It didn't need to fast (be reconditioned).   Seems these pillars apply everywhere energy is utilised ????

Noticeably absent from these pillars of health is any mention of so called Super Foods. The human body will function perfectly without disease if given the right inputs according to conditions at the time. It follows therefore that it is futile to ‘take’ something to remedy an ill health issue for it is something that we are already eating/doing that is causing the ill health. We should discover what that is and if we permanently cease to partake of it, the ill health will vanish since the reason it existed will have been removed.

More on (1). Deposits of waste accumulation run much deeper than the obvious 'beer gut', cellulite thighs, double chins and all the observable oversize areas found on overweight people. Discovered around 1930 by Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg waste accumulation begins in the intracellular space and finally gravitates to be inside every cell of our body. Thus even in people who show no outward sign of being overweight, the burden in their cells can be just as great as in the cells of those who do.

The above was compiled from the writings of many non mainstream authors and extensive self experimentation.

Note 1. We are all aware that smoking brings on numerous diseases, now we must realise that eating cheap poor quality food brings even more of them upon us.

These days our mainstream carers are concerned about nutrition but we should be at least equally concerned about waste, it's disposal of course but more importantly about reducing our intake. Google "orange 1950 nutrition" and see how many others are alarmed about the deteriorating quality of produce. The thing no one seems to appreciate is that if for example, assuming the 1950 orange was 50 parts good nutrition and 50 parts waste (acids and substances that are not beneficial to our bodies), then today's orange with it's 1/7th nutritional content (best case scenario) contains 93 parts waste - and we have to eat 7 of them to get the same nutrition that we might have got from one in 1950. So now along with the 50 parts of nutrition we might have been expecting to get from today's 7 oranges, we take on board 650 parts of waste instead of the 50 parts that came with the single 1950 orange and our body systems aren't designed to deal with elimination of that volume. It was hardly likely to deal with the 50 parts in 1950 either but certainly has no hope now. Interestingly, one guy in 1950 was lamenting that the oranges then, couldn't compare with the 1925 oranges that he could remember!! Ad infinitum? Anyway, the huge influx of waste that we ingest with today's modern foods directly or indirectly influences the development of the diseases to which we succumb.

Note 2 These days significant numbers of farmers are taking advantage of the findings of science in regard to soil, soil care and mineral balancing, this is a big essential step in the right direction. Unfortunately no official detailed studies have been done on irrigation apart from one where they discovered that irrigated produce contained 50% of the flavour of non-irrigated produce. Everyone 'knows' that after watering, plants grow and flourish, it's plain to observe. Behind the scenes is not so great, the plants have their electrolytes disrupted, notably potassium and sodium which are primarily needed by the plants to adjust to varying climatic conditions but they also determine the nutritional content of the product we eat. Plants take up sodium when it's dry to resist transpiration from their leaves and conserve moisture, they shed it back to the soil when it's wet (raining) so as to enhance transpiration and rid themselves of excess moisture. Irrigating makes the soil wet, the message from the roots is shed sodium but after the sprinkler stops the message from the above ground part of the plant is increase sodium in response to the drought conditioned atmosphere, an unsolvable conflict, the plant loses it's mineral balance and suffers. Vegetables were cultured and developed by man to be grown with irrigation (very few can survive on their own in the wild) but irrigating during the month prior to harvesting decimates the amount of nutrition they might deliver. The politics of the whole food chain is 'the more cartons the better', irrigating delivers that but what we are getting is massive amounts of waste and not much nutrition, this applies to all produce.

This raises another interesting point, we are taught that ancient civilisations, Mayans, Incas and the Romans, all depended on irrigation to provide food for their burgeoning centralised populations and it is assumed that they died out because the rains failed and they weren't able to irrigate. Perhaps that wasn't the case, it seems most likely that after hundreds of years of irrigating the same plots of land the soils became depleted, the nutrition delivered by the crop wasn't enough to sustain life and they died of nutritional starvation in green fields of plenty (pale green by then).

Note 3 stated by Reckeweg - Toxins, which are not removed, are stored in interconnectivity tissue which acts as a form of waste dump in the body. Once toxins build up too far, they penetrate into body cells and accumulate in the tissue of the extremities and finally even in various organs such as kidneys, liver and intestines. If the body is unable to fully eliminate these toxins the health of the organism is disturbed and the early stages of disease are seen.  

The homotoxicology theory states six distinct phases of disease due to an increasing overload of different toxins.  

1   Excretion Phase  The body’s immune system is intact and resorts to alternative methods of excreting the overload of toxins such as diarrhea or a runny nose.

2   Inflammation Phase If the excretion phase does not remove the overload of toxins, the body resorts to an inflammatory response in an attempt to neutralize the toxins.

3   Deposition Phase  If the toxins cannot or have not been fully excreted and new toxins continue to enter the body, the toxins are stored in the fluid between cells (intracellular space).

4   Impregnation Phase The toxins from the intracellular space invade and enter the cell. This phase often results in severe health symptoms and some damage to different organs.

5   Degeneration Phase The high concentration of toxins within the cells destroys large groups of cells resulting in organ degeneration.

6   Differentiation Phase  Illnesses during this phase are characterized by the creation of non specialized cell forms (cancer).


One of the primary functions of individual cells is to generate energy during a chemical process called metabolism. This process relies on oxygen and nutrients entering the cell and waste products being excreted from the cell.

A build-up of toxins however can affect the metabolism and overall health of a cell in two ways.

Firstly, large amounts of toxins on the outside of cells (in the intracellular space) can prevent oxygen and various nutrients from entering the cell and reduce the capacity of the cell to generate new energy.

Secondly, if the toxins created within the cell during the energy-making process are not excreted, the cell itself will become poisoned and perhaps die.

Therefore, when a large number of cells are affected by toxins, it is likely that symptoms of low energy, tiredness and general ill-health will be experienced.

In contrast, removal of these toxins increases the efficiency of the cells transfer of oxygen, nutrients and waste products, resulting in a higher metabolism and renewed energy.

The key to all this is 'removal of these toxins' combined with minimizing the entry of new ones. This involves a radical change of diet and because of the waste laden, nutritionally poor food in these modern times (2000 and after), regular fasting on water for several days at a time. Additionally, it can take months or even years to completely turn the downhill spiral around. A lifetime of waste accumulation won't dissipate overnight though pre-teen kids can respond very quickly, especially from hyperactivity. If we could consciously select 1000 of our body's cells and draw the toxins out of them in one second, then select another 1000 and so on, it would take 60 years to detoxify our 50 trillion cells!!!!