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Feb '22 Bullets Copper Jacketed
Feb '22 Bullets, various US Makers
Feb '13 General Info
Mar '19 Brass  & Misc Bits

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The old news of yesteryear was that Taipan was undergoing a resurrection, that is now dead in the water.
The not so enterprising guy, James, arrived on the scene without the ability to take it on, the past eighteen months has seen a devastating series of tooling breakages and not many bullets get made. On top of that there has been an endless succesion of burglaries so everything easily moveable has to be removed from the premises.
The economics are very different now, the cost of metho used to be $1 per liter, today it's $5 a liter thanks in part to a high demand for hand sanitisor. Then there's the high cost of shipping these days which has all but wiped out mail order for heavy items. Under these difficulties it is impractical to continue on so only the remaining stock will be offered for sale, there will be no further production. 

My current quest is to establish a 'doomsday farm', one that is totally self sufficient, not relying on outside inputs, tackling the enormous task of living without plastics and becoming not only carbon neutral but carbon positive. 

  Today, Mankind gets it so wrong.
Nov '18 The Three Pillars  of Health
Aug '11 The Future in Your Hands
Feb '13  Mankind's Early Diet
Jan '12 Secret Women's Business
Jan '12 Proving with Science
Feb '13 How Nutrition Really Works
Nov '14 The Essentials  of Existence 
Jul '17  The Importance of Food Quality
July '16 A New Look at the Origin of Man
Dec '15 The Truth About Vegetables
Jan '16 Are we Really Carnivors?
Mar '13 Fluoride Poison  and Dry Mouth 

The journey of life is full of twists and turns and sooner or later it will come to us all that unless we have good health we have nothing. Since 2007 I have been investigating and experimenting on just what it takes to keep one’s body in good reliable working order. The results will seem outrageous and impossible to the mainstream citizen but once all the assumptions and traditional thinking has been cast aside, a new picture emerges. At the end of the day the results speak for themselves, no amount of ranting and raving can change that. There are a couple of new pages, one emphasising the importance of eating only top quality produce and the other, perhaps destined to be the most unpopular page on the internet, the truth about vegetables.  The July '16 additions include a comprehensive article on fasting, why, what happens, 'how to' and why aging happens. I note that in USA, Russia and Europe (2018) there is considerable reseach being carried out on fasting, in a few years you could get it as a recommendation from your GP especially to ameliorate the side effects of chemotherapy. The Nov '18 addition, Pillars of Health is about what it takes to never get sick, daunting to carry out but it works.

Have you noticed that all the big corporations are hell bent on getting at least $1000 a year out of you? Vehicle rego, electricity, rates (usually double that), waste disposal, insurance, communication to name a few. My mobile lives in the car and is turned off most of the time. The only method of communication is by e-mail (or snail mail, hardly used these days), to both of which I conscientiously reply. 


To Your Very Good Health

1940's All there is To It
Mar '07 The Mystery of Good Health
Feb '07 Fruitarian FAQ
Oct '08 Toxins and Waste
Nov '08 Waste is Your Responsibility
Jan '10 Waste Effects on The Brain
Sep '08 Eating and Feeding
Feb '13 Diary of a Fast
Mar '18 How to, all about Fasting
Feb '12 How to Select Best  Fruit
  Selection of Fruit Statistics
Oct '13 The Writings of Ben Adamah
Nov '13 Be Kind to Your Digestion
Jun '09 The Author

Frivolous e-mails are the exception, such as 'have you received my payment?' and 'When can I expect delivery? I do email delivery advice though. I am a one man business and these requests are never going to make it to the top of my 'to do' list. If you are in a hurry, impatient or in any way apprehensive, please deal with someone else.

About Soil & How to Repair it.

  2007 Talking Dirty
2008 Plant Feeding & Care
2007 Soil Restoration
2018 Sustainable Agriculture

As to orders, I know times just keep getting tougher and we are all on spending limits but again a plethora of buyers all requesting 100 bullets is something that is hugely time consuming, not economically viable in current circumstances and severely restricts how many bullets get made. Consequently there will be a minimum order value of $150.00 on any order of projectiles (any mix) unless otherwise specified.

Malcolm Bone