To Your Very Good Health

Of the total books ever written about health almost all are about how to cure disease or at least, make the symptoms go away. If you have disease X, take drug D, herb H, mineral M, essential fats F or even take up trampolining to disrupt the 'debilitating effects' of gravity. The options are endless.

It's fascinating, we know so much about diseases that no-one wants to have, yet we know nothing about good health which, if we had that, we wouldn't get those diseases and would much less need to know about them. Imagine that all car manufacturers guaranteed their engines forever. If the engine ever develops a fault of any kind, it would be replaced free of charge. So then there would be no need to know about blocked fuel systems, poor ignition, cracked pistons, worn rings, bent crankshafts etc.

It is not a case of being free of the symptoms of disease therefore I am healthy, it is the other way around, by ensuring I am healthy, therefore I will be disease free.

The state of your health is directly related to the amount and type of waste stored in your body. Take a visit to your local refuse tip, take a walk around for half an hour. Where there are animal product scraps there are flies and maggots, where there are vegetable scraps there are hordes of other insects, where there are grain products there are weevils and grubs, each category has its own variety of 'pests'. Well now, they aren't really pests are they, they are scavengers in just the same way as vultures are who feed on dead animals, very much as a service to their environment as it is for their nourishment.

Observe fruit in a bowl on the kitchen table. It sits there appetisingly until one day there are a swarm of tiny insects buzzing around it. Check the fruit, one has gone bad. Dispose of the bad fruit, the insects disappear. The insects didn't turn the fruit to waste, decaying fruit is their environment, they came to breed in it which in turn disposes of it.

If your body wasn't storing so much waste, bacteria wouldn't come to live in it. While they are active the body detects that that waste is diminishing so it says 'whoopee' I'll send more waste over there. The bacteria says 'whoopee' this is great, as fast as we eat this stuff more gets sent to us, lets multiply and be fruitful. The brain decides that this is not the desired outcome, I'll make my owner/occupier really sick so he stops eating, thereby stopping the addition of new waste. After all, that's what animals do when their health goes bad. Unfortunately we have friends, neighbours and relatives who insist we must eat to 'keep our strength up'. Total abject stupidity. Then they take you to a doctor who gives you a drug to kill the nasty bacteria - soon you can go back to your usual lifestyle. How did we get to be the dominant species on the planet when we are so stupid?

Ah but I have disease X because my parents had it therefore its hereditary, its in my genes. Not quite true. You copied your parents eating habits and your body probably did inherit your parents methods of storing waste so now you invite disease X in the same way your parents did. A dramatic change in eating habits will dispel the hereditary theory.

Waste accumulation is easy to spot in overweight people, it's stacked around the waist, thighs, arms, breasts, neck, joints, just about anywhere and everywhere. For underweight people the process is different. They still store waste but their storage points are in or next to important organs which causes them not to function properly. Most of what these people eat passes straight through, additional waste accumulation is minimal but so is the nutritional uptake. Fasting programs are one way to eliminate waste and the once curious feature of fasting was that overweight people lost weight and underweight people gained it. The common benefit is waste reduction and the normalising of organ function.

There are two ways to effectively reduce waste accumulation in the body, fasting and adopting the fruitarian diet. Neither is easy. Fasting brings with it the expectation that after it’s over one can go back to ‘normal’ eating which soon reverses the good that the fast will have done. To benefit from all the remarkable advantages that the fruitarian diet can offer, it is an all or nothing affair, occasional forays into your old waste laden meals will markedly diminish the rewards. It is though, in a way, self-perpetuating. After a month on it, the things you used to enjoy but now shouldn't eat, still taste really nice but Oh dear, the foul taste it leaves in your mouth afterwards is a timely prompt not to eat that again.


To those who would want to ‘do something’ but can't tackle the full on fruitarian diet, there are a couple of successful part way approaches. If the availability of quality fresh fruit is limited, then a 90% vegetable diet will be helpful so long as the veggies, comprising an high proportion of greens, are eaten raw. The greener the better, the deeper the green, the more alkaline they will be. DON'T add salad dressings but squeezing a lemon over them is OK.

It would be preferable if the veggies were grated, pureed or otherwise pulverised. Why? They are all fibrous material and humans just don't have the right enzymes needed to break them down and absorb all the nutrients. You need to be an animal with hooves to deal with veggies properly. Some of you may be throw backs to the mythical centaur and deal with them just fine but for the rest of us, its not much nutrient and lots of fibre just passing through.

Or go fruitarian for two days a week, do not eat anything the night before the first day and drink only clean water before retiring – no, you won’t pass away from starvation overnight. This is to create a slight division in your digestive system between the acid diet and the alkaline. Your body will appreciate getting two days of respite and significant waste reduction will be achieved.

What not to do is eat fruit AFTER your regular meat meals, mixing the digestible with the largely indigestible will upset your system with high pressure areas and probably be accompanied by strong winds from the north and south.

Another really simple health benefit can be gained from NOT EVER eating cereals and milk together, especially at breakfast. The inorganic carbon from the grain mixes with the casein in the milk to form one of the worlds best natural glues which is fine for hanging wallpaper but not quite so warmly greeted by one’s bladder, urinary tract and intestinal system. These very quickly become coated with gunk, severely inhibiting their normal function; results in all manner of urinary problems and is a major cause of bed wetting by children.

If you think having arthritis is cool, eat plenty of tomatoes on cheese. Should never eat tomatoes anyway, they are of the deadly nightshade family which is poisonous, nor should you eat cheese - it’s a dairy product with salt, would be better too if you didn't eat the cracker you put them on - that’s a grain product with salt. But if you really really have to, don't eat cheese and tomatoes together. That combination sends waste to the joints which in many people sets up arthritic conditions.

There is a warning to be noted. In cases where ill health is particularly acute, adopting a full on fruitarian diet can overstress the much weakened body's resources. Most waste disposal involves moving it via the blood to elimination areas, the main ones being intestines, bladder, skin and lungs. A weakened heart may not keep up with the body's enthusiasm to 'clean house' so the heart rate would need to be carefully monitored. Keeping warm is also very important. With waste being moved to the lungs for exhalation, pneumonia may get an opportunity to establish if the participant is allowed to get cold.

.Next - Eating & Feeding
